Record your classroom and students evidences in one place
Starfish Class app is available for free download on all major digital devices for free!
With Starfish Class app, there is no limit on skill or competency assessment types. You can custom the assessment as you need.
Create and share assessment reports with rich multimedia evidence with just a tap
Starfish Class is a free classroom resource tool designed especially to help teachers assess their students’ skills and manage their classroom conveniently. Teachers will be able to spend less time managing and more time educating!
Register and create your classroom online and start managing!
Assess students and keep track of their performances and skills.
Get a clear overview of your students and classroom. Share your reports easily online!
Classroom activity feed to record all classroom activities so you can keep up with the most current tasks or you can use it as a reference to assess class’ performances.
Upload photos, videos, or files to keep as evidence
Assessing skills as easy as playing game. You can choose from the default skills or create one of your own to keep track of your classroom’s performances.
Join forces with other teachers to help keep track of classroom’s performances and activities!